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Project name : CEFP Villepreux
Project owner: La Ferme des Trois Jardins
Site under construction ...
CEFP Villepreux is a training center for around fifty young people, who are housed and trained on site. Training is provided in the catering and building trades.The farm project in a peri-urban environment, led by Emmanuelle and Benjamin, who have been setting up gradually since 2022, in conjunction with local institutions and associations. This organic micro-farm includes a vegetable plot, a laying hen workshop and cut flower production.
Diversification of crops and short-distance sales are at the heart of the development plan!
Presentation of the site The grounds of the CEFP Villepreux offer three plots of land totalling 9,100 m². Located on the plain of Versailles, on the outskirts of Villepreux, these open-ground plots are sunny and easily accessible.